By inserting fine, sterile needles into specific points, we can promote local blood circulation and stimulate the body's innate healing response. Research into acupuncture continues to grow and its efficacy is being validated as a treatment option for a wide variety of medical conditions. GUA SHA/SOFT TISSUE MOBILIZATION
'Gua' means to stroke with gentle to moderate force along the contours of the body. While 'Sha' is the petechiae or red bumps that arise at the surface of the skin, as a result of the scraping. To learn more about the health benefits of Gua Sha, as well as what the different qualities of sha represent, read this article on our blog page. |
Using electro-stimulation on the acupuncture needles allows for a continuous physiological stimulus. Electro-stimulation has been shown to increase the release of endogenous painkillers, as well as a variety of other neurotransmitters depending on the frequency used. CHINESE HERBAL MEDICINE
Herbal medicine has been practiced for thousands of years and is an important aspect of Chinese medicine. Herbal formulas are often combined with acupuncture as a way to reinforce the treatment. The uses for herbal medicine are far reaching, treating everything from the common cold & seasonal allergies to pain management & infertility. |
This technique has been utilized all around the world for hundreds of years. It helps to release any structural abnormality in the tissues and helps to optimize muscular and joint functionality that may contribute to structural imbalances. MOXIBUSTION
The Chinese character for acupuncture also includes the concept of moxibustion. It is an important modality for increasing blood circulation, healing injured tendons & ligaments, and regulating the immune response. Moxa also warms the body and is effective in treating cold conditions. |